Blog Posts

Many who knew Mother Gavrilia say that being in her presence felt like entering a universe where all was beautiful and filled with joy.

Jenny Schroedel was a recent Woman of the Week! We thought you'd like to see what happens when the Church commissions a chaplain. Jenny was commissioned by Fr. Andrew Morbey at St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral, in Minneapolis, Minnesota after Liturgy on Sunday October 20. Jenny is also training to become a certified clinical pastoral education (CPE) educator.

This quote is beautiful because it has two movements - first from our words to our actions, and then from our actions to our deepest selves.

Yesterday I found some new life, new growth in plants I thought were completely dead. I brought the cuttings inside. Small shards of hope. - Susan Ashbrook Harvey

I have been with Axia for five years, since the beginning, and this year has truly been a monumental year of firsts. We received a capacity-building grant from Leadership Education at Duke Divinity that has already started allowing us to scale up with staff in a small but significant way so that we can expand our reach. We held our first in-person retreat, Healing Beauty, and we witnessed the power of bringing women together, even for just one day, to pray, walk and learn together. Even better, in August 2024, I was lucky enough to be the lead from Axia for our first effort to go on pilgrimage together.

Maybe, like us, you’re looking for an alternative to the never-ending news of polarization and conflict.

Maybe, like us, you’re looking for an alternative to the never-ending news of polarization and conflict. Perhaps you, too, are wondering: how can we best live as Orthodox women in our world today?
Axia Women exists because we asked the question: What if Orthodox women–present and past–could teach us more about how to truly live into the fullest experience of life, our most real and life-giving selves, and discover Christ within our own hearts?