Listing Of Events

How do we hunger for righteousness?
Join author Phoebe Farag Mikhail and Axia Women for a hybrid book launch event celebrating Phoebe’s new book, Hunger for Righteousness: A Lenten Journey Towards Intimacy with God and Loving Our Neighbor.
Just in time to prepare for Lent, come explore the familiar traditions and practices of Lent, Holy Week and Easter from the perspectives of modern and ancient Christian heroes – some familiar, others less well-known. Phoebe Farag Mikhail’s new book brings together surprising and challenging reflections, familiar concepts of almsgiving, prayer, fasting, repentance, reading of Scripture, forgiveness, and pilgrimage are given fresh insight. Come meet the author and learn more about how to draw closer to God and share the love of Christ with your neighbors. After the event, Phoebe will be available to sign books.
Monday, February 17th | 7PM ET
In-Person in collaboration with St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, New York
Metropolitan Philip Auditorium, Rangos Building, 575 Scarsdale Road, Crestwood, NY 10707
Online via Zoom (link to come).
This is a free event. (Orthodox women only, please.)

Sunday, November 17
6-7:30pm Eastern
Tired at the end of the day? Having leftover thoughts and worries in the evening, which block you from being fully present with your dear ones or connecting deeply with God in prayer?
Join us for our upcoming workshop with Dr. Ioana Popa from Team For The Soul®, an expert in spiritual renewal. She’ll work with us on how to refresh at the end of the day through brief rituals, to separate and release from the cares of the day and experience that “peace that surpasses all understanding.”
To give you a sense: in her last Axia workshop on Boundaries, Dr. Ioana Popa addressed those of us who are feeling overwhelmed and constantly juggling work, church, relationships, caretaking, and personal life. She gave us tips and advice to avoid health issues and burnout. This is all the harder for those of us in the church because we assume that, in order to by Christ-like, we must say “yes” to whatever is asked of us.
She shared several psychological group phenomena that impact all of us at work, church, and family.
One of them is “Social Loafing,” which is the tendency for many people in a group to work less, because they know someone else will show up to help.
Another one is “Social Compensation,” which states that the most conscientious members of a group will be the one who bears the brunt of the work.
She identified the tendency many of us have to promise ourselves that we’ll do it “just this time,” only to find that promise becoming a cycle and a feedback loop. She asked the question, “What if we just wait?”
Sometimes if we decide NOT to say “yes,” we can give a gift to someone else to access their own resourcefulness and gifts in Christ. And we might be pleasantly surprised to find out who rises to the occasion because they are called by God for that work!
$12 (Let us know if cost is a barrier.)
Sign up here!
(Orthodox women only, please.)

Join Us for an Inspiring Women's Retreat
Explore the profound impact of beauty on our lives through meaningful conversations, insightful talks, and enriching activities.
Healing Beauty
A conversation about the importance of Beauty in our lives.
Featuring a Compelling Team of Speakers
1. Dr. Pia Chaudhari, MSc, PhD–Art, Aesthetics, Depth Psychology
“Healing Beauty”
Pia holds a doctorate in theology from the department of Psychiatry & Religion at Union Theological Seminary in New York. She spent two years working as a chaplain intern in a psychiatric hospital, and has trained and worked extensively in Jungian psychoanalysis. She is a founding co-chair of the Analytical Psychology and Orthodox Christianity Consultation (APOCC) which was started in order to promote dialogue across the fields of Orthodox theology/pastoral care and analytical psychology after Carl Jung.
Pia is the founder and principal at Pia Cameron Interiors, an interior decorating firm. She is also the author of Dynamis of Healing; Patristic Theology and the Psyche (Fordham University Press 2019), as well as numerous articles, including on marriage and theosis, the unconscious and prayer, and healing and the Theotokos. Her research interests include theological anthropology, depth psychology, processes of healing, the feminine, aesthetics and beauty.
2. Jennifer Nahas, MMHS–Pilgrimage and Outdoors Specialist
“Contemplative Prayer Walk”
“I believe that it’s in the wild, untamed and natural places that we find our best selves and can see and hear God. I work with people interested in modern-day pilgrimages and the benefits of long-distance walking toward personal growth through mental, physical, and spiritual challenges. I have walked the Camino (the 500-mile pilgrimage across Spain) and Wainwright’s Coast-to-Coast trek across England, and I can see why our early Christians took to the road to unburden, reflect, and re-center. As St. Augustine writes, ‘Solvitor ambulando’ (it is solved by walking).”
Jen is a founding member of Axia Women and continues to write about women and the Eastern Orthodox Church. A certified ski instructor and an outdoor mediative guide trained in spiritual facilitation and accompaniment, Jen has made it her mission to inspire others to awaken to the outdoors as a means of experiencing the peace and love of God.
3. Laura Josephson, CCH–Classical Homeopath
“In the Footsteps of the Holy Myrrhbearers” workshop
Laura is a board-certified classical homeopath practicing in Nyack, New York, since 1992. She graduated from the New England School of Homeopathy, attended the New York School of Homeopathy and the Atlantic Academy of Classical Homeopathy, and has studied with many leaders in the field worldwide. She is a former New York State Homeopathic Association (NYSHA) president, an experienced speaker and teacher, and supervisor to aspiring homeopaths. Her original interest in homeopathy grew from her study of herbal medicine plus her artistic activity exploring the healing properties of pigments, color, and form. She is the author of “A Homeopathic Handbook of Natural Remedies” (Random House/Villard Books 2002), a quick-reference guidebook for the self-treatment of common ailments at home.
Her workshop will be an immersive experience delving into essential oils, the life-blood of plants and one of humankind's first medicines. Guided meditation and discussion in the presence of the scent of the precious oils are intended to help us open ourselves to their gifts of beauty and healing. A small sampling of oils will be yours as a gift to take home.
Activities Include:
- Two sessions on Healing Beauty with Dr. Pia Chaudhari
- Contemplative Prayer Walk with Jennifer Nahas
- Interactive Workshop with Laura Josephson
- Time for Personal Reflection and Connection
All attendees will receive a special takeaway to continue bringing healing beauty into their own lives and homes. They are designed to remind you of the day’s themes and your personal journey toward healing through beauty.
Registration Information
Cost: $85 (Orthodox women only, please)

Join Poustinia Pilgrimage & Axia Women for their first Orthodox women’s pilgrimage to Patmos, Greece!
A time set apart to focus on stillness and being with God, sharing our experiences as women, immersed in the holy wisdom and tradition of the Orthodox faith and walking in the footsteps of a newly canonized saint.
Share in daily gatherings • Pray in St. John’s cave • Contemplative walking on ancient footpaths • Make a handmade prayer journal • Venerate relics on Leros Island • Fall in love with your prayer life • Small group of up to 20 pilgrims.
The island of Patmos, Greece - a holy place, blessed by Saint John the Beloved, Saint Amphilochios the lover of trees, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, and recently canonized Saint Gavrilia, the “ascetic of love.” Patmos has been a spiritual pilgrimage site for generations, known to Christians throughout the ages as ‘The Jerusalem of the Aegean’.
Cost: $3250, excluding airfare
Pilgrims will meet at the Athen’s airport on August 27th, spend 10 glorious days together, and be returned back to the airport on September 6th.
You can find more details and the application to attend here.

Not sure when to set boundaries and when to just give to others? Did Christ even have boundaries? Join us in hearing from Dr. Ioana Popa in this interactive workshop on Friday, June 7th at 2pm Eastern. We’ll discover 2 mindset shifts to navigate this fine balance, with God at our core.
$12 (Let us know if cost is a barrier.)
(Orthodox women only, please.)

Join us to learn from Dr. Ioana Popa--psychiatrist, spiritual advisor, theologian--on how to use your environment to support your rituals and spiritual goals. Axia is offering this as a special event with the Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge.
We hope you can join us!
$5 (Orthodox women only, please.)
If cost is a barrier, please let us know at

Are you interested in a walking pilgrimage? Not sure how to get started?
Jennifer Nahas was a pilgrimage instructor at REI for seven years and has also been on two full Camino walks of over 500 miles.
In this webinar, she will cover the spiritual, physical, and practical (gear!) aspects of preparing for a walking pilgrimage, using walking the Camino as a case study.
We hope you can join us!
$12 (Orthodox women only, please.)
If cost is a barrier, please let us know.

Girls’ Participation in the Liturgy, Part 3: The third panel in this series co-sponsored by Axia Women and the St. Phoebe Center on January 28th, 2024, at 7pm Eastern.
Everyone is welcome!
We will hear from four diverse panelists who will focus on integrating girls into our liturgical celebration, addressing this issue from various perspectives—from those who plan and coordinate this ministry, to the perspectives of parents, and to the perspective of clergy on how this ministry has been received in their parishes and its value for the parish.
We’ll hear from:
• Anna Kallis, MDiv - the founder of the Myrrh-bearer ministry at St. Peter and Paul
• Kristina Baktis, MPS, LCAT, LPAT - co-founder of a ministry for young girls at her parish
• Andy Nosal, PhD - a parent whose daughter participates in this kind of ministry
• Fr. Peter Baktis, DMin. - a parish priest
The panel will be moderated by Dr. Teva Regule, a liturgical scholar, and an expert on lay participation in the liturgy. The event will include short presentations explaining the panelist’s respective ministries, responses from other panelists, and a Q+A time for those attending the meeting.
You can register for the event here.
Missed Parts 1 and 2? Over the past few years, the St. Phoebe Center in partnership with Axia Women has sponsored two webinars/zoom meetings focusing on the participation of women and girls in the liturgical assembly.
You can watch the videos on the St. Phoebe Center YouTube channel:
1) Integrating Girls (and boys) into the Liturgy: How and Why (sponsored by Axia)
2) Liturgical Service by Girls and Women
Please note that when you register for this event, you will be added to St. Phoebe Center’s newsletter mailing list. They do not sell or share their lists. You will not be bombarded with unnecessary emails. You may unsubscribe at any time.
St. Phoebe Center plans to record portions of this event by photo, video, and audio. By registering for this event, you consent to SPC taking, using, reproducing, altering, and publicizing photographs, audio, or video for publicity, advertising, and promotion.
We hope to see you on January 28th!

Interested in unplugging and creating a space to experience the presence of God more deeply? Then consider setting your sights on a pilgrimage. Out of all the possibilities, there is one out there for you!
On October 15th, Axia will be hosting a pilgrimage panel to explore the many ways we can be a pilgrim. Our panel will cover the emotional, physical and spiritual benefits that come from traveling to and/or creating a sacred place to worship and experience the presence of God. Through the stories and lived experience of four different women, we will work through a broad definition of what it means to be on pilgrimage - whether alone or with others; virtually or physically; staying put in a sacred place or a walk that is just as important as the destination.
We will be making a special announcement during the panel discussion—you don’t want to miss this!
About Our Panelists
Arpi Nakashian: After growing up in the Old City of Jerusalem, where she encountered pilgrims from across the world, Arpi went on to lead both in-person and virtual pilgrimages, eventually inspired by the pilgrims’ faith to establish her own pilgrimage ministry, Holy Land Lights.
Jennifer Rich: The author of 'Prayer Spa: Ancient Treatments for the Modern Soul’ and member of the Orthodox Speakers Bureau, when not tending her flock of sheep and stationery business Oblation Press in Portland, Oregon, Jennifer leads pilgrimages such as her recent tour with Frederica Mathewes-Green to Greece, focused on stillness in prayer.
Jen Nahas: An REI guide certified in both spiritual accompaniment and outdoor meditative walks, Jen’s adventurers all prepared her for the Camino de Santiago, one of the many pilgrimages she has sauntered.
Teva Regule: Among her contributions as President of the Orthodox Theological Society of America, Teva was one of the motivators behind the creation of the annual New Skete pilgrimage in New York and hopes to be an example for anyone else who would like to create a pilgrimage place for their own community.

Starting September 1, Axia's church year will be focused on PILGRIMAGE.
If you've taken part in a pilgrimage recently or long ago, we'd love to hear about it! It could be a journey to a monastery, a weeks-long trek on the Camino or other established trail, or a trip to a place that is holy to you, or some other sacred travel. The piece should be between 500 and 1500 words long. Send to with the subject line "My Pilgrimage Story." We'll be picking at least six for our new blog series over the coming months.
We can't wait to read what you write!
(Orthodox women only, please.)